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Shelley Post subject: Any Chance?
Rythym Guitar

Rythym Guitar
Joined: 22 Sep 2004
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Location: East London

Any chance of the Hollies fans, being that?

Just fans of the Hollies and their music and whatever they do, without critisising whatever they do?

I get so fed up going to different sites and all I read is the 'fans' want to tell their favorite singer or band what to do, what to wear what to sing, how to record their album etc.

What next? Telling the singer/band in question what to eat and drink?

We are all grown ups and so are the band, so let them make their own decisions and mistakes, have an opinion of course but their decision is final after all.

There are other places to go to do a bit of slagging off. Lets try and keep this board a happy and friendly place to come to again and again.

Sorry Rob I had to write this, I got a bit fed up reading the ganging up posts from the other thread, you can delete this if you like.

Shelley Very Happy
PostPosted:Thu Mar 23, 2006 21:31 pm
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Anthony Post subject:
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Hi Shelley,
I believe all the fans here are real fans, funny I think being a Hollies fan outside the UK can really be hard, thanks to the internet it's heaps better now.
I agree with no slagging off, at times I feel I can be negative on some subjects but that's because I feel the Hollies could have done the things other groups do like bringing out DVD's etc. I have to look around for bootlegs because the Hollies don't like the idea of having their stuff on video. You are right it's upto the band or who ever to do these things.
I think at times we like to give a wish list of what we would love to hear at concerts, if you ask me I could never work out why they played Purple rain, I would have loved maybe a Beatles number.
I think fans can have different opinions about what we like or don't like about the band, as long as we respect each other as fans.
I once joined a Beatles Yahoo club, we were only allowed to say possitive stuff and not knock the band in anyway, I left. If I said I thought John had a better voice than Ringo I would have been in trouble, silly really.
There is a lot of stuff the Hollies have done over the years I don't agree with, but in the end it's the music, the fans and memories of concerts that I hold dear to me.
Best wishes,

Every member of the Hollies has played his part, 50 great years and still going. visit me and say hi
PostPosted:Thu Mar 23, 2006 22:18 pm
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Shelley Post subject:
Rythym Guitar

Rythym Guitar
Joined: 22 Sep 2004
Posts: 233
Location: East London

Anthony wrote:

I once joined a Beatles Yahoo club, we were only allowed to say possitive stuff and not knock the band in anyway, I left. If I said I thought John had a better voice than Ringo I would have been in trouble, silly really.
There is a lot of stuff the Hollies have done over the years I don't agree with, but in the end it's the music, the fans and memories of concerts that I hold dear to me.
Best wishes,

Hi Anthony,

It's a bit like a certain 'Sir's' message board, you can't say anything against, and if you go on there too long, your messages don't even get posted, people have been known to change their name to get posted.

One thing people have to realise, specially the ones who do the slagging off, is that I am relative new Hollies fan. It's not nice to come on here and see people slagging each other off and slagging the moderator off. I admired them in the past, but only bought their albums and been to their concerts since Peter joined the group, and that's another thing, I have often read that Peter is trying to be someone else, can't Peter just be Peter?

Let him discover his way of doing things. It also seems to me that some people cannot accept that Peter is the new lead singer of The Hollies, why not? Accept it, it is the way it is, if the Hollies thought he wasn't up to it. they wouldn't have asked him would they?

You never know things may change now there is new blood in the band, you may get the dvd's or anything else you want, who know's.

When I first started going to The Hollies concerts in 2004 I heard they were singing It's In Everyone Of Us, but since I have been going they haven't sung it at all, it would be nice to hear them sing it, but I am not going to 'demand' them sing it.

Personaly when I go to see the Hollies in concert, I want more, I want to go again and again, if I could go every night of the week I would. I think they are really good, fantastic, but I don't know them from before, I know them now, I don't know about their past and what they have done or haven't done.
PostPosted:Thu Mar 23, 2006 22:53 pm
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hollies Post subject:

Site Admin
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To everyone on the Forum.

I started The Hollies website as a fan for the promotion and appreciation of the band several years ago and installed the forum at the end of 2003 .

My intention is for the forum to be a meeting place for fans to discuss everything about The Hollies in a light hearted, freindly manner amongst like minded people.

Sadly, all to often, some people just want to pull apart this or that because they do not like it or do not agree with it. Whatever "it" is!

Constructive critiscism or stating a fact that you don't like something is not a problem. Continually going on about it is. Putting yourself above the band is.

Happy jovial threads have gone off topic and downhill rapidly, once someone decided they didn't like or agree with the subject matter.

The Hollies do what they want to do and no one on this forum, including me, can make them do otherwise. To keep saying that they should do this or do that is not within the realms of this forum.

Yes, we all want more, bigger, better things, but sometimes we just have to accept the facts even when we do not agree with them.

This forum is not a bitching place for anyone with dislikes or grievences to keep posting about it at every opportunity.

This attitude is spoiling the friendliness of the forum and putting many people off from posting. A subject I have received many private emails about over the last few months and because of this I have had to take certain actions.

I know this seems over the top to some but I hope to get the forum onto a friendlier footing for the benefit of all the members.

Best wishes, Rob

Hollies Forum
PostPosted:Thu Mar 23, 2006 23:48 pm
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Susie Hewett Post subject:
Lead Guitar

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Well Said Rob, like Shelley, Anthony, I too am fed up with people on this forum running the band down and criticing them just because they don't always do what people demand. Twisted Evil I am a dedicated Hollies fan and love them and their music and I don't give a damn who wrote their songs on Staying Power or any of their past albums or singles either.

As Shelley said we a all grown ups and so are Peter, Tony, Bobby, Ian Ray and Steve, so therefore they can do what they want when they want and don't have to answer to anybody. Evil or Very Mad

One more thing Peter Howarth sounds like Peter Howarth and not Allan Clarke as some of you said in another thread. Smile

Sorry for saying that Rob but I am just sick of reading messages from certain people who keep running the band down all the time. Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil


Long live The Hollies, may they reign supreme for many more years to come.
PostPosted:Fri Mar 24, 2006 3:44 am
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bardo Post subject:

Joined: 27 Nov 2005
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As an observer of this forum so far, never having made a post before, I would like to comment on the situation as I see it having watched this space for some time, sometimes with great amusement.

I think that Rob does a great job in an area where dealing with all kinds of ‘unknown people’on the net could be a risky business. Well done Rob – hang on in there.

Most people on the forum seem to be happy with their views, not too deep, not too heavy. But from what I’ve seen, the people who make the most posts are the ones who are most derogatory about The Hollies. They hide behind the façade of ‘constructive criticism’ when, to people like myself , who just appreciate the band, as was, as it is, their views are little short of insulting – it embarrasses me. There are ways of making one’s point and their’s is not, in my book, the way. These people seem so well informed - but where do they get their inside information that they should be so certain in their views? They comment on anything and everything.

For my part I have my own views. Nothing anybody says will alter that unless it is in sensible adult discussion which, I’m sorry to say Rob, I don’t think you have on your forum. There’s too much selfishness about what The Hollies ought, or ought not, to be doing.

They have been around for over 40 years now and that deserves our respect. Who are we to say that they are doing things wrong? The mere fact that the band is still around proves beyond doubt that they know exactly what they are doing.

I saw them recently in Manchester and they were amazing. I also saw them the night that Stay went into the charts over 40 years ago and they were great then. We should leave them alone to do their thing but then that’s only my opinion. Let’s face it, they are going to do it anyway, and thank goodness!!

As I said Rob, I am an onlooker who has been spurred into writing something because of what I see as a very negative element in your forum. From what I’ve seen you recognise it too and you have my appreciation for your efforts in dealing with people who don’t seem to have any manners at all. Only my opinion though.

PostPosted:Fri Mar 24, 2006 12:02 pm
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Shelley Post subject:
Rythym Guitar

Rythym Guitar
Joined: 22 Sep 2004
Posts: 233
Location: East London

bardo wrote:

I think that Rob does a great job in an area where dealing with all kinds of 'unknown people' on the net could be a risky business. Well done Rob – hang on in there.

Most people on the forum seem to be happy with their views, not too deep, not too heavy. But from what I’ve seen, the people who make the most posts are the ones who are most derogatory about The Hollies. They hide behind the façade of 'constructive criticism' when, to people like myself , who just appreciate the band, as was, as it is, their views are little short of insulting – it embarrasses me.

There's too much selfishness about what The Hollies ought, or ought not, to be doing.

They have been around for over 40 years now and that deserves our respect. Who are we to say that they are doing things wrong? The mere fact that the band is still around proves beyond doubt that they know exactly what they are doing.

We should leave them alone to do their thing but then that's only my opinion. Let's face it, they are going to do it anyway, and thank goodness!!

As I said Rob, I am an onlooker who has been spurred into writing something because of what I see as a very negative element in your forum. From what I've seen you recognise it too and you have my appreciation for your efforts in dealing with people who don’t seem to have any manners at all. Only my opinion though.


More good points.

I second that, Rob, you do do a good job and believe me, I know how hard running a forum can be.
PostPosted:Fri Mar 24, 2006 12:29 pm
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holliesfan Post subject:
Lead Guitar

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"They have been around for over 40 years now and that deserves our respect. Who are we to say that they are doing things wrong? The mere fact that the band is still around proves beyond doubt that they know exactly what they are doing.

I saw them recently in Manchester and they were amazing. I also saw them the night that Stay went into the charts over 40 years ago and they were great then. We should leave them alone to do their thing but then that’s only my opinion. Let’s face it, they are going to do it anyway, and thank goodness!!"

Bardo - I applaud your view on The Hollies and agree that 40 plus years in the music business sure does speak for that is truly "Staying Power".
PostPosted:Fri Mar 24, 2006 15:42 pm
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James Towill Post subject:
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bardo wrote:
As I said Rob, I am an onlooker who has been spurred into writing something because of what I see as a very negative element in your forum. From what I’ve seen you recognise it too and you have my appreciation for your efforts in dealing with people who don’t seem to have any manners at all. Only my opinion though.


Thank you for your input and welcome to the forum. I and a couple of others assume that these comments are intended to be about us. If so, please just say it. I'm a big boy, I can cope with it Laughing There is a difference in that when one person does not like another person's point of view, they do not attack the person, but attempt to challenge their views. There's plenty I see (and that others have mentioned) about posts on this forum which out of manners I would not mention on the forum.

Unfortunately, despite the review I posted earlier on in the month - which did not rubbish the album I may hasten to add - I made a fair point the other day only to have personal insults levelled at me by the moderator of this forum.

I and a number of others have contributed a lot to this forum by way of starting threads, writing reviews, helping people with locating CD's etc. and regardless of how many posts are made you can choose not to read or agree with them. It's just part of life, some things we agree on others we do not.

It's all summed up neatly in this excerpt from the Human Rights declaration:

Article 10

Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall
include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart
information and ideas without interference by public authority and
regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from
requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema
The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and
responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions,
restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary
in a democratic society, in the interests of national security,
territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of
disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the
protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the
disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining
the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.

Yours respectfully

The Last Wind... don't eat curries late at night
PostPosted:Fri Mar 24, 2006 17:14 pm
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Shelley Post subject:
Rythym Guitar

Rythym Guitar
Joined: 22 Sep 2004
Posts: 233
Location: East London

James Towill wrote:

It's all summed up neatly in this excerpt from the Human Rights declaration:

Article 10

Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall
include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart
information and ideas without interference by public authority and
regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from
requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema
The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and
responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions,
restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary
in a democratic society, in the interests of national security,
territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of
disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the
protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the
disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining
the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.

Yours respectfully[/quote]


Is there anything in the Human Rights Declaration that states that although everyone is entitled to their freedom of speech, please respect others by not going on and on about the same thing over and over again. Once an opinion has been made, especially an against opinion, can't it be left at that?

Some of the stuff I have read on here lately gives me the impression, that if one person don't like something, then other people mustn't like it or the band have to change it.

I'm not having a go at you James or anyone else, I am having a go at having to listen to the same old slagging off, when there is no need for it. I want to come here and read the posts, all of them. I jump to a different thread when the conversation seems to go off track, or it just seems to go on and on about what one doesn't like.

I am new to this forum and when I come on it I don't want to see this rubbish, nor will any future new comers, and nor will the band, I can only presume, if they pop by from time to time.
PostPosted:Fri Mar 24, 2006 19:33 pm
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James Towill Post subject:
Lead Guitar

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Location: Dunfermline, Fife

Thanks for that, Shelley. Like I said everyone is entitled to their opinion. There's nothing really much more to be said in any case. In forums it's often a bit difficult to compartmentalise 'conversations' which may add to some difficulties.

I don't care who likes what, that's down to personal choice. Although if anyone on here admits to liking James Blunt, boy, are they in for a roasting Wink Laughing

The Last Wind... don't eat curries late at night
PostPosted:Fri Mar 24, 2006 20:07 pm
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Shelley Post subject:
Rythym Guitar

Rythym Guitar
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Location: East London

James Towill wrote:

I don't care who likes what, that's down to personal choice. Although if anyone on here admits to liking James Blunt, boy, are they in for a roasting Wink Laughing

(Well I like Bucks Fizz, Modern Romance and all those bubble gums pop groups, and I know if I admitted it out loud, you could hear the laughter for miles) Laughing
PostPosted:Fri Mar 24, 2006 21:16 pm
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James Towill Post subject:
Lead Guitar

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Location: Dunfermline, Fife

What has happened to Cheryl Baker these days? Woops going of course again!

The Last Wind... don't eat curries late at night
PostPosted:Sat Mar 25, 2006 9:06 am
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carol7cat Post subject:
Acoustic Guitar

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Freedom expression yes!!, not wholesale character assassination!!!
Maybe you should try listening to the majority of users on this forum and their freedom of expression!!!
There is such a way that an opinion can be put across without forcing your views down somebodys throat!!!
As I have said before, many times you don't have to listen to or buy any of their records, choice is a great thing in this world!!!
PostPosted:Sun Mar 26, 2006 19:37 pm
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James Towill Post subject:
Lead Guitar

Lead Guitar
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Posts: 928
Location: Dunfermline, Fife

carol7cat wrote:
not wholesale character assassination!!!

I think that is very OTT and that is the final thing I have to say on this.

The Last Wind... don't eat curries late at night
PostPosted:Sun Mar 26, 2006 20:14 pm
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