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DistantLight Post subject: Staying Power
Rythym Guitar

Rythym Guitar
Joined: 10 Apr 2004
Posts: 371
Location: Germany

So this is the new Hollies studio album - the first after “What Goes Around” from 1983. The only original members left are Tony Hicks and Bobby Elliott, that’s not very many isn’t it?
If they still should call them “the Hollies” has been debated a lot of times and it just depends on the view of the judging person. I don’t mind them doing so. I’m positive about the fact that they still tour and release music because I’m a big fan of the two remaining members and regard them as absolute top players at their instruments.
So when I read that they record a new album I was really excited about it and glad that they finally did a whole new album and not just a single song. I was also sure that we now finally get to hear new self written songs by the band especially from Tony Hicks and really looked forward to the whole project. But then came the first downer… no songs written by one of the band members, not a single one! So my attitude towards this album changed. After 23 years without a new album they weren’t able to come up with some songs? I was really disappointed by this fact. It’s in my opinion a bit of an embarrassment for a band of that calibre to release an album with no own material. Ray Stiles said that they had no pressure writing any material themselves… having no pressure is nice but I just think that a new record by a band like the Hollies should have the “ambition” to have original material on it. Are they afraid that their own songs can’t compete with the likes of these professional writers? I’m pretty sure that they could!
But well I have raised these points before and so have many others but I judge an album also by the song writing and when a band doesn’t write I have my problems to take them really serious anymore. The Hollies are not “Westlife” or another crappy boygroup who is not talented enough to come up with something original – they can as they have proven over the years! And when somebody compares them with “Westlife” it isn’t the biggest compliment you can get, ain’t it?

But let’s forget this fact for a while and look at the final “product”. Before I listened to the album I had not that high expectations and just hoped that the album won’t be too embarrassing. After the first listen I didn’t like it a single bit. I thought that some songs were OK but all in all it sounded like a slick middle of the road record with little artistic and musical ambition - a typical radio product which could have been recorded by anybody. Miles away from the quality of former masterpieces like “Distant Light” or “Romany” and the likes. But since the Hollies are still one of my favourite bands, admittedly because of their past and not their present, I didn’t give up on the record and listened to it some more times and although my view hasn’t changed radically I am more positive about it now.

Some of my main criticisms haven’t changed a single bit though. The first and most important is the keyboard work on the album. I don’t like Ian Parkers playing on most of the songs – it sounds too ‘80s for my tastes. I’m not the biggest fan of this instrument but if it is used right it can be quite effective - here it isn't. The worst examples for me are “Touch Me”, “Live It Up” and “Let Love Pass” but on almost all of the songs he adds some sounds that I personally just don’t like.
I read somewhere that if the album would have come out in the late ‘80s it would have sounded modern and all those people on the forum have claimed that this is the “modern and new” Hollies sound – the problem is just that the sound sounds more dated than some of their ‘70s records in my humble opinion. Trying to sound modern shouldn’t mean trying to sound like in the ‘80s.

The hardest job on the record goes to Peter Howarth. He has to follow three great lead singers – Allan Clarke who was the voice on most of the Hollies music and people will always remember the Hollies for this exceptional singer, there are only very few other singers who come close to him, very few. Mikael Rickfors was the perfect replacement for Allan because he was radically different to him. He was more of a soul singer and added his own sound to the Hollies. After the second departure of Clarke, Carl Wayne followed. He was again more in the tradition of Rickfors and was another great lead singer for the Hollies.
So how well does Howarth compared to these greats? In my opinion he can’t compete with the former ones but all in all he does a fine job on the album - his voice is OK and nice to listen to but nothing special and outstanding. He was a background singer of Cliff Richard and you can hear that influence. But nonetheless I’d love to hear this material with Allan Clarke singing lead – it would have given this album a far bigger dimension.

The opener “Hope” is a very commercial pop-rocker which let’s the album start on a good note. I’ve heard a part of this song before via a preview on an internet site and thought it was too commercial but now after some listens I really like it and think it’s one of the best songs on the album. “So Damn Beautiful” follows and although it is pretty syrupy and sweet it’s a nice song with a catchy melody. The next song “Prove Me Wrong” is the first major letdown. It has a pretty tasteless drums computer arrangement and the “atmospheric” synthesiser sounds by Ian Parker sound too cheap for my liking – and he uses these sounds throughout the album. The song is very middle of the road and not that interesting but the arrangement is the worst thing about it. Gladly the two following tracks are both better. “Break Me” is the first rocker on the album and is a really fine song – it reminds me a bit of “This Is It” and although Peter does a pretty good job on the song I’d love to hear it sung by Clarke. “Shine On Me” is a very melodic pop song with great and powerful electric guitars by Hicks and this time the interchanging between real drums in the chorus and the drum computer in the verses works. The song’s got strong harmonies and the sound is more natural and less cold than on the songs before that.
“Suspended Animation” which seems to be a favourite of some Hollies fans is in my opinion the second disappointment on the record. I find those stupid sounding “come on, come on, come on” lines at the beginning and the drums computer again extremely tasteless and the effect on the vocals give this song the rest – in my opinion this is the worst vocal moment in the entire Hollies catalogue. I hope that they don’t put that out as a single. It’s somehow catchy in its dumbness but that’s about everything positive I can say about that.
“Touch Me” is the other rocker on the album and it’s worse than “Break Me”. The whispered “touch me” in the intro sounds again too cheap and lascivious for me. The falsetto vocal is catchy as is the main song and the chorus but the synthesisers are horrible and the “come on baby uh uh” line is another embarrassment. When I think about that – I don’t like most of these little vocal extras as I want to call them.
Also the next song, the otherwise beautiful ballad “Emotions” which I like very much, is partly ruined by these vocal lines that come after the chorus – who sings this by the way? Sounds like a female voice, don’t like that part a single bit.
“Weakness” is a bit more rocky and here we get the first piano sound by Ian Parker! The song is nice but finally Parker has discovered that there is something else than a synthesiser – I would have preferred him to have mainly used piano and organ on the album and also on the live shows. On the album there is as far as I’ve noticed no organ and very little natural sounding piano.
“Live It Up” is another vocal highlight for Howarth where he sounds really good. Hicks plays a fantastic guitar and Elliott gives a good performance on the drums. The song is good but is again weighed down by these too commercial sounding “nananas”. The next one “Yesterday’s Gone” is another pop rocker with a strong melody and again fine drumming by Elliott. The last of this 12 song set is the slow ballad “Let Love Pass” which tries being a “It’s In Everyone Of Us”-styled closing number but I’ve never really liked “It’s In Everyone Of Us” in the first place. “Let Love Pass” is a nice ballad but nothing more. And here Howarth sounds exactly like Cliff Richard which is a good thing.

All in all I would call this an OK album– some songs are good, some are middle of the road and some are weak. I don’t like the production though – why they’ve let Ray Stiles and Ian Parker produce it is way beyond me – why not hire a good and respected producer who would have guaranteed them a bit extra attention?
Although Hicks is a bit underused on “Staying Power” he makes some nice performances on some of the songs and Bobby Elliott does also do a very good job on most of the tracks. Maybe they could have used a warmer sound for the drums and of course eliminated those drum machines on the above mentioned tracks.
Ian Parker is as I said above not one of my favourites and I dislike most of his contributions on the record. Ray Stiles and Steve Lauri are pretty low-key through the album but they also make no mistakes.
The harmonies are still there and they are perfectly sung but they don’t sound a bit like the harmonies of old. Maybe they are just too perfectly arranged and too slickly produced.
As I said Howarth does quite well through the album but his voice doesn’t stand out. With Clarke I would have liked this album a whole lot better - he was a singer who could have let these songs sound better.

As it is I’m still glad that they’ve recorded the album but it was also a good chance in at least some ways wasted. I just hope that this won’t be their last album and that they finally record another album which is more ambitious and not as commercial and polished - an album with their own songs on it and a bit more of their own personality so that no one has to compare them with the likes of Westlife again.

Feel free to agree or disagree with my views but remember that this is just my own opinion. I don’t claim that this is the definitive review of the album. I’m looking forward to your opinions!

Best songs: Hope, Break Me, Emotions

Worst songs: Prove Me Wrong, Suspended Animation

Rating: 5 out of 10 (This rating is given in comparison to the other Hollies records)
PostPosted:Thu Mar 23, 2006 18:52 pm

Last edited by DistantLight on Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:49 am; edited 3 times in total
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KP Post subject:
Bass Guitar

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I tend to just listen to an album and if I like it, then I like it. (And I really do like Staying power) I'm not really into all the analysis, but as you have said, its your opinion and I respect your right to have it just as you obviously respect my right to disagree.

However, I do not understand you and a number of others, being annoyed about the fact that none of the songs are self penned. Surely some of the Hollies' most famous songs have been by little known writers (Gouldman and Springsteen are two that immediately come to mind). They have always looked around for songs like He Ain't Heavy and The Air that I Breathe. As I understand it, a number of the songs on the album were written especially for the band and surely this is just the same. For all we know, the band may have written some material, but decided that the songs on the album were better.
PostPosted:Thu Mar 23, 2006 19:22 pm
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bardo Post subject:

Joined: 27 Nov 2005
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I find myself back on the forum for a second time having been an onlooker for so long. Thanks to J.T. for his welcome, very polite and aware that other people have opinions too even if different from his own.

I must make comment on the Staying Power review by Distant Light. ‘Review,’ is that what you call it? More a wholesale character assassination of individuals and a band that has not only survived for over 40 years but, from what I have seen recently, is actually on an upward spiral despite what Mr (or Miss) Distant Light has to say. In fact I won’t comment on the text of the piece and what he has to say, that’s his business, his opinion. My view is that such a forceful, ill considered diatribe does him no favours at all. Such a ‘wannabee’ outburst completely devalues and undermines his views because people of this forum will certainly recognise that he is enamoured of a time long since past and as such will inevitably have a negative view of the present. Distant Light is entitled to his views, as am I, and I am afraid that I for one will not bother to read anything else that he says. It’s just not cohesive, very immature, maybe even unintelligent, and I wouldn’t be surprised that others may feel the same. I have watched this character develop for some time now and, with his latest,‘ I should have been the producer / I know best, tirade’ I am now convinced that this person’s views are flawed and not worth being taken seriously. I will make no further comment on Distant Light nor will I respond to any further of his outbursts.

On a lighter note, I had the privilege of being at the Birmingham Symphony Hall recently to witness possibly the greatest Hollies concert I’ve seen in over 40 years of attending such events. These are musicians of the very finest order, who know what they are about. The capacity audience in this most beautiful of venues gave them a standing ovation that went on and on and on. I’ve seen The Hollies in this venue fronted by Messrs Clarke, Wayne and now Howarth and the reaction to this present line-up, it has to be said, was head and shoulders above anything that I have personally seen before. I think the secret lies in the fact that The Hollies seem to be back to where they started 40+ years ago in that they are truly a band again, and not a ’name supported by a backing band’. They were as relaxed as I had ever seen them with amusing banter, and even treated us to 3 songs (Stay, Here I Go Again, Look through Any Window) in the original style of guitar, bass and drums. It was so authentic and marvellous to hear. I hope that this cameo stays in the current set for some while although regulars will know that they very often change things just when you least expect it. To say that the new material was enthusiastically received would be very fair comment indeed. It really does sound powerful, very contemporary, and makes a beautiful contrast to the aforementioned trio of classics.

The Hollies have encapsulated, on this present tour, the essence of what they have always been. They are sharp, very aware and very able. They are giving us a ‘potted history’ that is still going on.

PostPosted:Tue Mar 28, 2006 19:39 pm
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carol7cat Post subject:
Acoustic Guitar

Acoustic Guitar
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Posts: 110

Sorry distant light, I didn't realise that we were in the company of such an esteemed musician such as yourself. It is obvious your pedigree is impeccable that you feel in a position to pass derogatory comments on such a fine bunch of musicians.
I agree with Bardo that your comments are both immature and without any rationale.
It is about time you got your head out of your bac***** and moved the goalposts a bit.
The Hollies of today are one of the finest bunch of musicians you are ever likely to come across.
Comments such as yours are totally without thought or feeling and destroy the true meaning of the forum.
If you can't make constructive comments why bother!!!
Make the Hollies forum part of your dim and distant past!!!!
PostPosted:Tue Mar 28, 2006 20:35 pm
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SpartyScott Post subject:
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Location: Gahanna, Ohio USA

Wow, we have a street fight developing here.

I'll give the quick take of a guy that hasn't heard the album yet (it's on order), but who does own the first single and has listened to it several times.

Was Distant Light a bit harsh in his review? OK, sure he was. But did he have some valid points? I think so.

I'm not going to write a long post about all that D.L. wrote that is defensible, but I will say that I believe much of his post expressed valid opinions that don't deserve censure.

Does D.L. have a post history here of slamming everything about the band? I don't know, and I'm not about to start reading all of his old posts to find out. But if not, then why can't he have and give an opinion that the album failed to live up to his hopes?

Hey, the Hollies have let me down many times in the past 23 years between albums (not that anyone cares about what SpartyScott thinks the band should have done and be doing right now). I seriously doubt that no one else here feels the same way about the band. But that's OK, because I keep going back to the music that I love, and even as we speak I'm playing the Evolution album on my computer's CD player. Like D.L., I'm glad that the band had the financial resources, the recording contract, and the energy to create a new album. Maybe they'll try it again, and if they do then I'd suggest doing it one of these ways:

1. Record material that's at least half self-penned.
2. Do an album either reworking their own catalog in new and exciting ways - maybe using the same treatment that they're currently giving their songs in concert (I'd suggest "Hollies Sing Hollies" for an album title, but that's already taken), or else cover some other artist in much the same way as the Dylan and Buddy Holly albums.

I'd buy either of those records, and would probably play them more than I expect I'll play the Staying Power disc.
PostPosted:Tue Mar 28, 2006 21:20 pm
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Andy Post subject: Re: Staying Power

Joined: 25 Feb 2004
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DistantLight wrote:
So this is the new Hollies studio album - the first after “What Goes Around” from 1983. The only original members left are Tony Hicks and Bobby Elliott, that’s not very many isn’t it?
If they still should call them “the Hollies” has been debated a lot of times and it just depends on the view of the judging person. I don’t mind them doing so. I’m positive about the fact that they still tour and release music because I’m a big fan of the two remaining members and regard them as absolute top players at their instruments.

How many orignal members are left in The Who, who at this moment in time are planning a UK tour as well as playing at the sold out Oxegen Festival, which they are head lining?? How many orignal members are in Oasis, possibly the biggest band from the last 20 years?? How many different members have AC/DC had over their career?? What does it matter who's in the band now, the fact is they're still The Hollies and they are still touring and have made an album, fair enough they haven't written any of the songs, but put yourself in their position, they're all getting on a bit, and Tony and Bobby don't really need to do anything anymore so why can't you just be grateful that they still are. I know one thing for sure that when I reach their age I want to just be at home with family rather than the busy schedule that they have.
PostPosted:Tue Mar 28, 2006 21:25 pm
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carol7cat Post subject:
Acoustic Guitar

Acoustic Guitar
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Well said Andy, I am also glad they are still with us.
How many of todays artists will be able to match the talent,versatility, and sheer musicianship of The Hollies after 40+ years in the business, no they will sit at home counting their gains and do nothing.
I don't know about the age comment though!!!
Sparty Scott, no one is saying constructive criticisim is not welcome. I don't know how DL can justify writing such disparaging comments about the musicianship!!!
Ian for example is a classically trained musician from The Royal School of Music in Glasgow.
Ray's pedigree speaks for itself as well, having performed with many well-known and respected groups for many years.
Character assassination is not in the slightest bit useful or helpful and shows the immaturity of the user to comprehend the rules and regulations of conduct on the forum.
PostPosted:Tue Mar 28, 2006 21:47 pm
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DistantLight Post subject:
Rythym Guitar

Rythym Guitar
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@ Bardo and Carol7cat

Now that is getting pretty offensive, isn't it?
You call me unintelligent and immature? Because I wrote a review that isn't completely positive? And your arrogant and stupid responses are intelligent? You should be a little more careful in voicing such things - I've never called somebody unintelligent just because he has a different opinion on a topic - and by the way who are you to call me unintelligent, you can be pretty damn sure that I'm not!

And you accuse me of doing character assassinations and that I make derogatory comments on the members of the Hollies? I just say that I don't like Ian Parkers playing on the album. I've never said that he can't play well. The main things I criticize are the sounds he uses, the synthesisers - I just prefer the sound of a piano or an organ but if you don't than you might think about that aspect differently. And didn't I say that I like Tony Hicks and Bobby Elliotts playing? And where did I make derogatory comments about the other players – or is it immature or unintelligent to prefer Allan Clarke as a singer over Peter Howarth?

I tell you what immature is: That is when a grown up man/woman behaves like a little fan who just feels offended by any kind of criticism against their favourite band.
Why can't I say that I don't like the production - do I say anywhere that I could do it better?
Why can't I say that I was disappointed when I heard that there would be no selfwritten songs on the album?
Why can't I say that I don't like the synthesiser work on the album?
I just don't see your point in accusing and insulting me because I have an opinion on an album that is not the same as yours.

And of course there is as always the criticism that just because someone doesn't like the new album he doesn't like anything new and is stuck in the past. I can assure you that I am definitely not stuck in the past. I am 19 years old - I haven't even lived when the Hollies released their last album before "Staying Power". I like "old" music a lot but I also like "new" music by newer and by older bands and I listen to lots of new bands, maybe more than most other members of the forum. So accusing me of having a negative view of the present is not that clever.
I'm very enthusiastic about lots of new bands at the moment and also about lots of new albums by older artists (McCartney, Chris Norman, Paul Weller, Ray Davies, Neil Diamond). So saying that I don't like the new album just because it is "new" is absolutely wrong. You shouldn't just voice such things before knowing something or thinking about it.

And by the way, have you read a single review about "Staying Power" in a famous and respected music magazine? All those that I have read were very negative, much more negative than my review is. They also said negative things about the synthesisers and said that the arrangements are too tame and the production too slick. So would you call these professional writers also unintelligent and immature because they criticize the album?
Apart from the comments on the forum I haven't read very many positive things about the album but you shouldn't forget that my review is not only negative. I rated it a 6 out of 10 stars which is not bad. I also said that I'm glad they recorded the album.

So next time when you make such snotty comments about things I have written better read them carefully first and make sure that you understand what I've written – writing such responses as you did are pretty much own goals. Better raise the tone of your comments before accusing me again of something – these posts you make are quite embarrassing for a grown up person like I think you are.
PostPosted:Wed Mar 29, 2006 14:30 pm
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carol7cat Post subject:
Acoustic Guitar

Acoustic Guitar
Joined: 12 Aug 2005
Posts: 110

First of all master DL, I think you need to grow up a little and read very carefully what has been said!!!
Levying insults is not getting your point across, just proving one.
Firstly please be assured constructive criticism is also welcomed by anybody, comments like Ian parkers arrangement "is too cheap for your liking" are disparaging, and do not make any valid point, except having a cheap jibe!!!
You have made quite a few of these without any relevance except to your own personal taste. Reviews are written by hardened professionals in the business, who have years of expertise and knowledge. At 19 you seemed to have a very negative attitude to the album even before you started listening to it. to have the mindset that it might be embarassing seems a little harsh to say the least.
Three times you have mentioned Allan Clarke would have been better on lead vocals, he left The Hollies years ago, you need to move on!!!
As for your reference to my arrogant and stupid response, now who is calling names!!!
Actually I am a married woman with 4 children, ex account manager for Ford and my husband is an extremely well paid Manager, so maybe you sahould think twice before you mudsling!!!
I find most of the songs on the album extremely listenable to, and find myself singing snatches during the day!!!
I do not let myself be influenced by anybodys opinion wether negative or positive, as I have my own mind.
I think you should think about qualifying the comments you make and balancing your reviews a little more fairly.
EMI would not put their name to something they were not happy with!!!
Please remember Ray and Ian have worked extremely hard with the rest of the band to get this together.
I joined the forum in a spirit of joining together with others to discuss in a constructive way, The Hollies contribution to music.
Constructive means to share ideas and listen to others!!
Think on DL!!!!!
PostPosted:Wed Mar 29, 2006 15:38 pm
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SpartyScott Post subject:
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Location: Gahanna, Ohio USA

Can I suggest that ENOUGH has been said here?

Moderator, can we lock this thread, please? I doubt that anything further is going to be written that's of interest to everyone else, as things have gotten much too personal.

PostPosted:Wed Mar 29, 2006 15:44 pm
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James Towill Post subject: Re: Staying Power
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DistantLight wrote:

I’m positive about the fact that they still tour and release music because I’m a big fan of the two remaining members and regard them as absolute top players at their instruments.

Are they afraid that their own songs can’t compete with the likes of these professional writers? I’m pretty sure that they could!

The Hollies are not “Westlife” or another crappy boygroup who is not talented enough to come up with something original

the Hollies are still one of my favourite bands,

I didn’t give up on the record and listened to it some more times and although my view hasn’t changed radically I am a lot more positive about it now.

Peter Howarth does a fine job on the album - his voice is OK and nice to listen to

The opener “Hope” is a very commercial pop-rocker which let’s the album start on a great note.

“So Damn Beautiful” follows and although it is pretty syrupy and sweet it’s a nice song with a catchy melody.

“Break Me” is the first rocker on the album and is a really great song – it reminds me a bit of “This Is It” and although Peter does a pretty good job on the song
“Shine On Me” is a very melodic pop song with great and powerful electric guitars by Hicks and this time the interchanging between real drums in the chorus and the drum computer in the verses works. The song’s got strong harmonies and the sound is more natural and less cold than on the songs before that.

“Live It Up” is another vocal highlight for Howarth where he sounds really good. Hicks plays a fantastic guitar and Elliott gives a good performance on the drums. The song is good but is again weighed down by these too commercial sounding “nananas”. The next one “Yesterday’s Gone” is another pop rocker with a strong melody and again fine drumming by Elliott. The last of this 12 song set is the slow ballad “Let Love Pass” which tries being a “It’s In Everyone Of Us”-styled closing number but I’ve never really liked “It’s In Everyone Of Us” in the first place. “Let Love Pass” is a nice ballad but nothing more but here Howarth sounds exactly like Cliff Richard which is a good thing. That tune stuck in my head for some time and I thought it was by Richard the whole time till I finally discovered it was the Hollies.

Feel free to agree or disagree with my views but remember that this is just my own opinion. I don’t claim that this is the definitive review of the album. I’m looking forward to your opinions!

I first read the retorts to DistantLight's review last night and thought about things for a while before responding. It is really starting to get into a playground squabble now. This phrase 'character assasination' is one of the biggest hyperboles I have read on this board. The quotes above are ALL the positive aspects which DistantLight included in his post - this must verge on 70% of the total post.

You will also note that he mentions 'feel free to agree or disagree but remember that this is just my opinion'. His comments are to be taken or left, not to stimulate a 'character assasination' (this is correct use of the phrase now) on DistantLight as a person.

As DL mentions in his post, he is 19 years old - within the age range which buys most records, and he also took the time to write a well-constructed review in a language which is not his mother tongue. Look back and you will also note that he has written other reviews which put forward a well-balanced view of the album in question. Whilst we might not agree with him (and I haven't on some issues) he deserves the right to put forward his point of view, afterall, 'everything is not sunshine' when people's opinions come into situations.

Using terms and phrases such as 'immaturity of the user', 'derogatory comments', 'head out of your backside', 'comments totally without thought or feeling' , 'make the hollies forum part of your dim and distant past', 'wannabee outburst', 'unintelligent' indicate that these people, with due respect, are unwilling to accept anyone elses point of view other than their own, and really the language used verges on playground antics. Rolling Eyes

The Last Wind... don't eat curries late at night
PostPosted:Wed Mar 29, 2006 15:50 pm
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carol7cat Post subject:
Acoustic Guitar

Acoustic Guitar
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Posts: 110

I agree entirely.
I certainly do not have anything else to say!!!
Please guys lets have some positive constructive posts that we can discuss like adults!
PostPosted:Wed Mar 29, 2006 15:51 pm
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James Towill Post subject:
Lead Guitar

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Location: Dunfermline, Fife

carol7cat wrote:
Constructive means to share ideas and listen to others!!

Yes, we were doing that until recently

I agree Sparty, time for a lock on this thread, it's getting tedious to say the least.

Some love Staying Power, some like bits of it, some don't like it very much. Agreed? Splendid. Thank you and goodnight.

The Last Wind... don't eat curries late at night
PostPosted:Wed Mar 29, 2006 15:54 pm
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James Towill Post subject: Re: Staying Power
Lead Guitar

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Posts: 928
Location: Dunfermline, Fife

DistantLight wrote:

I’m positive about the fact that they still tour and release music because I’m a big fan of the two remaining members and regard them as absolute top players at their instruments.

Are they afraid that their own songs can’t compete with the likes of these professional writers? I’m pretty sure that they could!

The Hollies are not “Westlife” or another crappy boygroup who is not talented enough to come up with something original

the Hollies are still one of my favourite bands,

I didn’t give up on the record and listened to it some more times and although my view hasn’t changed radically I am a lot more positive about it now.

Peter Howarth does a fine job on the album - his voice is OK and nice to listen to

The opener “Hope” is a very commercial pop-rocker which let’s the album start on a great note.

“So Damn Beautiful” follows and although it is pretty syrupy and sweet it’s a nice song with a catchy melody.

“Break Me” is the first rocker on the album and is a really great song – it reminds me a bit of “This Is It” and although Peter does a pretty good job on the song
“Shine On Me” is a very melodic pop song with great and powerful electric guitars by Hicks and this time the interchanging between real drums in the chorus and the drum computer in the verses works. The song’s got strong harmonies and the sound is more natural and less cold than on the songs before that.

“Live It Up” is another vocal highlight for Howarth where he sounds really good. Hicks plays a fantastic guitar and Elliott gives a good performance on the drums. The song is good but is again weighed down by these too commercial sounding “nananas”. The next one “Yesterday’s Gone” is another pop rocker with a strong melody and again fine drumming by Elliott. The last of this 12 song set is the slow ballad “Let Love Pass” which tries being a “It’s In Everyone Of Us”-styled closing number but I’ve never really liked “It’s In Everyone Of Us” in the first place. “Let Love Pass” is a nice ballad but nothing more but here Howarth sounds exactly like Cliff Richard which is a good thing. That tune stuck in my head for some time and I thought it was by Richard the whole time till I finally discovered it was the Hollies.

Feel free to agree or disagree with my views but remember that this is just my own opinion. I don’t claim that this is the definitive review of the album. I’m looking forward to your opinions!

I first read the retorts to DistantLight's review last night and thought about things for a while before responding. It is really starting to get into a playground squabble now. This phrase 'character assasination' is one of the biggest hyperboles I have read on this board. The quotes above are ALL the positive aspects which DistantLight included in his post - this must verge on 70% of the total post.

You will also note that he mentions 'feel free to agree or disagree but remember that this is just my opinion'. His comments are to be taken or left, not to stimulate a 'character assasination' (this is correct use of the phrase now) on DistantLight as a person.

As DL mentions in his post, he is 19 years old - within the age range which buys most records, and he also took the time to write a well-constructed review in a language which is not his mother tongue. Look back and you will also note that he has written other reviews which put forward a well-balanced view of the album in question. Whilst we might not agree with him (and I haven't on some issues) he deserves the right to put forward his point of view, afterall, 'everything is not sunshine' when people's opinions come into situations.

Using terms and phrases such as 'immaturity of the user', 'derogatory comments', 'head out of your backside', 'comments totally without thought or feeling' , 'make the hollies forum part of your dim and distant past', 'wannabee outburst', 'unintelligent' indicate that these people, with due respect, are unwilling to accept anyone elses point of view other than their own, and really the language used verges on playground antics. Rolling Eyes

The Last Wind... don't eat curries late at night
PostPosted:Wed Mar 29, 2006 15:56 pm
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carol7cat Post subject:
Acoustic Guitar

Acoustic Guitar
Joined: 12 Aug 2005
Posts: 110

Well said James!!!
I agree entirely, it would be extremely dull if we all felt the same!!!
As John Lennon would say "Give Peace A Chance"!!
PostPosted:Wed Mar 29, 2006 15:59 pm
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